Sunday, 9 May 2010

At last an Update!!!!!!

Yes I know I have been very remiss and missed most of April and in no time at all the weeks have flown by and no updates to read.
The simple fact is that firstly I was very busy and secondly I dropped the laptop and managed to smash the hard drive thus losing all the info etc etc. After the repair it was Stoneleigh kit car show time and I still couldn't find enough time to write even a few lines on the blog.

Anyway, the show has come and gone, the computer is repaired and work continues at a fast pace.
We have a roof on the house, the windows are now stained and protected, the walls have been rendered and painted and the scaffolding was removed on Bank holiday Monday whilst we were at the show so everything is slowly getting back to normal. Very soon I will have the wall removed from the workshop and can settle everything back down to normality.

Anyway back to Gentry news, the show was again very busy with lots of interest and enquiries we are booked up till October November time and with luck I could manage to do some more to the Police car over the winter. Trouble is that as we get closer someone else places an order and work on my car gets postponed! What a terrible position to be in!

For those that don't know I had another minor op and managed to burst open my stitches within a week or two of the op and so it has taken a while longer than expected to heal. it appears that I may need yet another procedure in an attempt to solve the issues. Great, just what you need when you are self employed and work is stacking up.

I'll try to be back in a couple of weeks, but you never know!!!!
