Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Update... Late as usual

Hi Folks,
Yes I know back to my old ways!! Only just into the New Year and have already slipped into forgetting to do the update. I don't know what happened over the last few weeks, apart from lots of work, but somehow I completely forgot that an update was due. I had set the reminder on the calendar on the laptop so it should be almost impossible to forget. Then the wireless card broke and so I've been mainly using the desk top. Of course I hadn't set the reminder on the desk top and the two computers do not talk to each other!!!

Work remains exceptionally busy, which is good, we have made some very nice changes to the latest car and kit which we believe makes for a much better build and final look. If I could find the time I would build another demonstrator so that we could show them off. Only problem remains time to do it!
I will be back on the correct date with the full update.
