Friday, 30 November 2007

Update Friday 30th November 2007

Hi everyone,

What a week! Good progress has been made with the rear of the car being skinned out in aluminium, the scuttle finalised, (again) and sent off for another mould to be made, the doors also finally moulded so that they fit the body and the rear wheel arches amended so as to conform to current rules and them also taken back to the fibreglass man for remoulding.

We start next week on the louvred side panels and bonnet as well as continuing to look at the windscreen foot design.

Whilst some things have slipped we have made progress in other areas and so we remain on target.

Can I thank everyone who made contact after last weeks blog regarding the screen and feet issues, your help has been much appreciated.

I know you read the blog to keep updated on the progress being made and this is not my ranting a raving page, however, if you will just allow me a little leeway this week so I can make a small but important comment.

To those firms out there who have web sites with contact details, Why bother with the contact page if you are never going to respond?
I have sent several emails now to several firms (they know who they are) looking to order items from them or employ them to manufacture parts for us. I've used their email address, supplied by them, or gone direct from their web site 'contact page', but no response. I wish we were that busy and big that we could afford to turn down work!!
If you don't want to deal with us...fine...just have the decency to send an email back saying that and we'll look to put our business elsewhere.

Our policy at the Gentry Works is to answer all emails within 48 hours, even if it's only to say we need more time for a full response. I don't expect everyone to try this hard, but not to answer at all is not only poor customer care it's down right ignorant.

Enough said.

Be back next week with the very latest in our progress.
