Saturday, 6 January 2007


Hi, to everyone out there that has been patiently waiting for anything to happen to the blog page. No doubt some have become bored and stopped looking. Well I can confirm that it probably takes longer to design a web site than it does a car!!!!

At long last the page is working and hopefully now every week I will be able to update the site to keep everyone interested informed on how we are doing.

Those who have spoken to us directly will be aware that we have been dashing around the country making contact with suppliers.

We may have located a suitable property and will shortly be negotiating a purcahse price etc etc.
Just what you want in the middle of a build, put your house up for sale and try to move!!!!!

Anyway, as far as the car build goes, I am about to start work on the chassis. Once this work is underway I will hopefully post some pictures on this site. The demonstator and the car we will be taking for the SVA will be Triumph based.
The body panel moulds are being cleaned up and so within a week or two we should have some new panels. Then I will be making a start on the body tub.

We continued to be excited about the progress so far and are looking forward to 2007 generally.

Once we have any more news I'll update the blog again. In the meantime I hope you are all enjoying the New Year and that 2007 brings you everything you would have wanted.

Remember if you need any spares then please give us a call, we have made contact with some very good suppliers and even if we don't have here in stock what you need we'll do our best to find it for you.

Geoff and Ellen