Tuesday, 23 January 2007

A Guide to understanding the Price List

The below price list didn't transfer very well from the 'prepared' page to the one you actually see.
Basically of the two prices you see, the first more expensive one is our general price. The second cheaper one is the one applicable to 'Gentry Register' members.
Hope that makes it easier to understand. If not, give us a call.



I have been asked if I can produce a list of spares that are available with an idea of cost.
Below I have listed those spares that we know will fit the Gentry. Others are available and we will do everything we can to help you locate parts you need.
Gentry register members qualify for the discounts.
We can check for the current price before any orders are placed.
Unfortunately we have not been able to sort out credit card payments yet and so all transactions have to be by way of cash or cheque with the normal conditions.
We do try to only use good quality goods made to original spec. Some of the prices reflect this.
We are not really a 'spares' supplier and prefer to focus on producing Gentry's in self build form so as to keep the car 'alive', therefore our profit margin is considerably less on these items than some of our competitors.



Non Register
Members Members
Original quality
external locking door
door handle £35.78 £32.20
Ø Cardboard seal
external handle £1.20 £1.08
Ø Alternative cheaper
Door handle £14.50 £14.00
Ø Chrome Tread
strip set £102.68 £92.41
Ø Fixing kit for
above £12.50 £11.25
Ø Stainless Steel strip
kit for side screens £106.07 £95.46
Ø Fixing kit for
above £12.85 £11.56
Ø Wing Nut
2 eared to windscreen £9.88 £8.89
Ø Hex Sidescreen
socket £8.14 £7.32
Ø ‘TF’ Badge Bar £57.75 £51.98
Ø ‘Desmo’ Clamp £7.66 £6.89
Ø Front bumper
with starting handle
hole £92.87 £83.58
Ø Rear bumper
with six holes £92.87 £83.58
Ø Over rider £37.06 £33.35
Ø Grab Handle
with MG crest £23.26 £20.94
Ø Interior Mirror £40.13 £36.12

Ø Plain grab
Handle £9.99 £9.50
Ø Mounting pad
rear view mirror £1.98 £1.77
Ø Rubber seal
bonnet front £6.25 £5.62
Ø Rubber seal
bonnet rear £12.49 £11.24
Ø Rubber Pad
wing to Running
board £4.65 £4.18
Ø Mounting Pad
rear light plinth £2.12 £1.91
Ø Plinth tail lamp
mounting £22.69 £20.39
Ø End capping
bonnet hinge inner and outer
£16.53Pr £14.88Pr
Ø Bonnet centre Strip
£49.85 £44.87
Ø Bonnet Side Strips
£61.29 Pr £55.16 Pr
Ø Wing mirror Flat
£38.90 Pr £37.32Pr
Ø Wing mirror convex
£41.04Pr £37.32Pr

Prices exclude postage and packaging costs.

We reserve the right to increase costs in line with manufacturer’s price increases.

If in doubt, please contact us for advice


Okay, so things are progressing well and then we find the 'new' premises we have been searching for. Ideal for everything 'Gentry' related, not quite so hot on the house front. Still if we can sell our current house we can move asap and set too in a new workshop.
The scuttle has gone off for a mould to be made and then I will be speaking with a firm who can hopefully produce a splendid, well chromed screen that should add the perfect finish to the car.
Have an appointment next week with the SVA expert to discuss the changes needed to gain SVA approval. Will report back after the meeting on how much 'extra' work is needed.
Be back next week, hopefully with good news.

Saturday, 6 January 2007


Hi, to everyone out there that has been patiently waiting for anything to happen to the blog page. No doubt some have become bored and stopped looking. Well I can confirm that it probably takes longer to design a web site than it does a car!!!!

At long last the page is working and hopefully now every week I will be able to update the site to keep everyone interested informed on how we are doing.

Those who have spoken to us directly will be aware that we have been dashing around the country making contact with suppliers.

We may have located a suitable property and will shortly be negotiating a purcahse price etc etc.
Just what you want in the middle of a build, put your house up for sale and try to move!!!!!

Anyway, as far as the car build goes, I am about to start work on the chassis. Once this work is underway I will hopefully post some pictures on this site. The demonstator and the car we will be taking for the SVA will be Triumph based.
The body panel moulds are being cleaned up and so within a week or two we should have some new panels. Then I will be making a start on the body tub.

We continued to be excited about the progress so far and are looking forward to 2007 generally.

Once we have any more news I'll update the blog again. In the meantime I hope you are all enjoying the New Year and that 2007 brings you everything you would have wanted.

Remember if you need any spares then please give us a call, we have made contact with some very good suppliers and even if we don't have here in stock what you need we'll do our best to find it for you.

Geoff and Ellen

Our 'Blog'

We will be updating this page as we make progress with our current project, producing a ‘chassis up' Gentry. Please check back for updates.