Hi Folks,
Nearly managed the update during the weekend so I must be getting better!
Not a great deal I can give any update on at the moment. We are busy and trying to catch up with where I wanted to be before my surgery but every one step forward seems to force two backwards!
Still trying to sort the castings for the screen feet. The patterns are good but it just seems as if everyone is cutting back and things that have always been in stock now aren't and quality also seems to have suffered.
Anyway, we did the Coventry festival run a week last Sunday and the Gorilla went down very well on the car. After the run the families with children hunted out the Register stand just to find the car with the Gorilla. Just have to see what else we can come up with next year!
Final show of the year for us is the Kettering Steam show at the end of September, then it really will start to feel like the year is over. Not going to make any comments about 2011, as when I do things never go according to the plan.
See you in a fortnight.
Monday, 13 September 2010
Saturday, 28 August 2010
Update for August .... Just!
Hi Folks
I can't believe that I haven't done an update during August! Both computers are now synchronised and remind me when it's due, all I have to do is 'Do it' but somehow I manage to kill the reminders and then forget to do it.
Anyway what can I say? I have just collected the first items from BG Penny in Coventry. They are blasters and powder coaters. I have to say, and I have told them the same, they are great! Good friendly service, good work and good price. What more could you ask for. Their suspension parts after blasting and coating look first class and you can be sure that I will be using them a lot in the future.
If you want anything coating then give them a call. The can be reached via www.bgpenny.co.uk or by telephoning 02476367636
I'll post a photo later to show you why I am going on about it. For those that have never tried it. The process is quick and I think very reasonably priced. So if you have some bits that need a bit of clean and a recoat then put away the wire brush and paint and get them off to BG Penny's in Coventry!!!!
We are getting two cars ready for the Coventry run next weekend and also hoping to take a new friend 'a giant gorilla' with us seated on the luggage rack. If we manage to get him securely seated will try to get some photos of him during the run and post them after the event.
Enjoy the remainder of the summer. Get out an enjoy your cars. See you soon.
I can't believe that I haven't done an update during August! Both computers are now synchronised and remind me when it's due, all I have to do is 'Do it' but somehow I manage to kill the reminders and then forget to do it.
Anyway what can I say? I have just collected the first items from BG Penny in Coventry. They are blasters and powder coaters. I have to say, and I have told them the same, they are great! Good friendly service, good work and good price. What more could you ask for. Their suspension parts after blasting and coating look first class and you can be sure that I will be using them a lot in the future.
If you want anything coating then give them a call. The can be reached via www.bgpenny.co.uk or by telephoning 02476367636
I'll post a photo later to show you why I am going on about it. For those that have never tried it. The process is quick and I think very reasonably priced. So if you have some bits that need a bit of clean and a recoat then put away the wire brush and paint and get them off to BG Penny's in Coventry!!!!
We are getting two cars ready for the Coventry run next weekend and also hoping to take a new friend 'a giant gorilla' with us seated on the luggage rack. If we manage to get him securely seated will try to get some photos of him during the run and post them after the event.
Enjoy the remainder of the summer. Get out an enjoy your cars. See you soon.
Friday, 30 July 2010
Update 30th July 2010
Hi Folks
Got my act together? Well for tonight maybe, but don't get used to it 'cause it can't last long!!
We continue to produce various parts for customers with kits clearly being at the top of the list.
We are now full with orders until the end of the year and so any new orders taken now are for work that will start at the end of January 2011!
We were supposed to be heading off to France in the very near future but that has been stopped by the NHS who now want both of us in for surgery during September. So those plans have been shelved for another few months. This is the second time that we have tried to get to France in the cars and the second time that we have failed. You know what they say about third time lucky.
The next show we are at is Shugborough. Never been there before so hopefully it will be a good day. We are also booked into the Triumph Sports Six show at Stafford in August, the Coventry run in September and then finally Kettering steam fair to end the year.
I am hoping to do all the ground work before Stafford so whilst the car is on the stand I can do a quick video of the car and the business and get it onto UTube. Anyone wanting to lend a hand with any ideas pleas give me a call, all offers of help are welcome!!!
See you soon,
Got my act together? Well for tonight maybe, but don't get used to it 'cause it can't last long!!
We continue to produce various parts for customers with kits clearly being at the top of the list.
We are now full with orders until the end of the year and so any new orders taken now are for work that will start at the end of January 2011!
We were supposed to be heading off to France in the very near future but that has been stopped by the NHS who now want both of us in for surgery during September. So those plans have been shelved for another few months. This is the second time that we have tried to get to France in the cars and the second time that we have failed. You know what they say about third time lucky.
The next show we are at is Shugborough. Never been there before so hopefully it will be a good day. We are also booked into the Triumph Sports Six show at Stafford in August, the Coventry run in September and then finally Kettering steam fair to end the year.
I am hoping to do all the ground work before Stafford so whilst the car is on the stand I can do a quick video of the car and the business and get it onto UTube. Anyone wanting to lend a hand with any ideas pleas give me a call, all offers of help are welcome!!!
See you soon,
Saturday, 3 July 2010
Update for the 3rd July
Hi Folks
Since last speaking we have attended Newark and are planning on visiting Hollowell steam fair tomorrow.
Work is continuing with our current orders which is keeping me very busy and with each kit I build I can incorporate some fine 'tweaks' so soon I will be happy that I'm where I want to be.
We were looking forward to our break in France but it would appear that the national health service has put paid to that idea! They have decided in their wisdom that September would be a good time for me to have some more surgery and if they can't manage to get me in then they will have Ellen in instead to sort her arm. so one way or anther it looks like September is a non starter for a break and so we are back to the drawing board to work out what to do next.
I received an email from Elwyn in Sweden and a photo of him and is Gentry with the 'Best in Show' trophy. I was going to put the photo here but I think I'll put it onto the website instead.
Can anyone help with my next invention please? I want a mechanical finger, probably on an arm, attached to the top of my computer. Then when I switch it on, if there is anything I haven't yet done, the finger pokes me in the left shoulder area to remind me that there is an outstanding issue.
Anyway, enough from me. The plasterer is here dealing with the garden walls. Soon I will have a nice relaxing place to chill after a long hard days work so I'm off to supervise for a change!
See you in a fortnight.
Since last speaking we have attended Newark and are planning on visiting Hollowell steam fair tomorrow.
Work is continuing with our current orders which is keeping me very busy and with each kit I build I can incorporate some fine 'tweaks' so soon I will be happy that I'm where I want to be.
We were looking forward to our break in France but it would appear that the national health service has put paid to that idea! They have decided in their wisdom that September would be a good time for me to have some more surgery and if they can't manage to get me in then they will have Ellen in instead to sort her arm. so one way or anther it looks like September is a non starter for a break and so we are back to the drawing board to work out what to do next.
I received an email from Elwyn in Sweden and a photo of him and is Gentry with the 'Best in Show' trophy. I was going to put the photo here but I think I'll put it onto the website instead.
Can anyone help with my next invention please? I want a mechanical finger, probably on an arm, attached to the top of my computer. Then when I switch it on, if there is anything I haven't yet done, the finger pokes me in the left shoulder area to remind me that there is an outstanding issue.
Anyway, enough from me. The plasterer is here dealing with the garden walls. Soon I will have a nice relaxing place to chill after a long hard days work so I'm off to supervise for a change!
See you in a fortnight.
Saturday, 19 June 2010
Newark update
Hi Folks
Work on re-building and re-arranging the workshop space has now finished and so it is heads down and get some work done!
Very happy with the way it has worked out as I can now leave the jig tables up all the time and we have finally managed to get the best use out of the space available. At long last the days of taking down the tables and moving them out into the trailer have gone!!!!
We are off for a leisurely drive to Newark show today. For the first time since we started we haven't got a stand inside the show and will be attending as Gentry Register members and parking our car on the club stand like all other members. This was partly because we didn't think we would be able to attend the show and so booking a stand would have been a waste and partly because I have my own views on the value of shows from our point of view.
It will be interesting to time to have a walk round and and check things out without worrying about people on the stand.
Anyway North East Secretary, Peter, has planned a BBQ for this evening and so hopefully the weather will hold out so we can eat in the dry!
Not much I can say about any future development at this stage as we are too busy with orders to consider and new directions. I have floated the idea of a TD version of the car with 'open' wings etc and would dearly love to develop a 3 wheeler Gentry but Ellen gives me some very stern looks whenever I mention it!!!!
See you all soon, get out and enjoy your cars while the weather lasts.
Work on re-building and re-arranging the workshop space has now finished and so it is heads down and get some work done!
Very happy with the way it has worked out as I can now leave the jig tables up all the time and we have finally managed to get the best use out of the space available. At long last the days of taking down the tables and moving them out into the trailer have gone!!!!
We are off for a leisurely drive to Newark show today. For the first time since we started we haven't got a stand inside the show and will be attending as Gentry Register members and parking our car on the club stand like all other members. This was partly because we didn't think we would be able to attend the show and so booking a stand would have been a waste and partly because I have my own views on the value of shows from our point of view.
It will be interesting to time to have a walk round and and check things out without worrying about people on the stand.
Anyway North East Secretary, Peter, has planned a BBQ for this evening and so hopefully the weather will hold out so we can eat in the dry!
Not much I can say about any future development at this stage as we are too busy with orders to consider and new directions. I have floated the idea of a TD version of the car with 'open' wings etc and would dearly love to develop a 3 wheeler Gentry but Ellen gives me some very stern looks whenever I mention it!!!!
See you all soon, get out and enjoy your cars while the weather lasts.
Thursday, 27 May 2010
Update Thursday 27th May

Sorry, much too late I know but I have been too busy to sit down at the computer!
Work has started on the alterations to the workshop and so for a few days it was total chaos.
Photo shows how small the alterations are but doesn't show how major the effect is on everything else that is happening.
With the 'extra' space it really does have a significant effect on work and space available. Once it is sorted and running normally pop in a have a look. We always look forward to visitors popping in, it gives us a chance to rest and grab a quick cuppa!
Not much more to report at present. Still working flat out trying to keep ahead of the game!
See you soon
Sunday, 9 May 2010
At last an Update!!!!!!
Yes I know I have been very remiss and missed most of April and in no time at all the weeks have flown by and no updates to read.
The simple fact is that firstly I was very busy and secondly I dropped the laptop and managed to smash the hard drive thus losing all the info etc etc. After the repair it was Stoneleigh kit car show time and I still couldn't find enough time to write even a few lines on the blog.
Anyway, the show has come and gone, the computer is repaired and work continues at a fast pace.
We have a roof on the house, the windows are now stained and protected, the walls have been rendered and painted and the scaffolding was removed on Bank holiday Monday whilst we were at the show so everything is slowly getting back to normal. Very soon I will have the wall removed from the workshop and can settle everything back down to normality.
Anyway back to Gentry news, the show was again very busy with lots of interest and enquiries we are booked up till October November time and with luck I could manage to do some more to the Police car over the winter. Trouble is that as we get closer someone else places an order and work on my car gets postponed! What a terrible position to be in!
For those that don't know I had another minor op and managed to burst open my stitches within a week or two of the op and so it has taken a while longer than expected to heal. it appears that I may need yet another procedure in an attempt to solve the issues. Great, just what you need when you are self employed and work is stacking up.
I'll try to be back in a couple of weeks, but you never know!!!!
The simple fact is that firstly I was very busy and secondly I dropped the laptop and managed to smash the hard drive thus losing all the info etc etc. After the repair it was Stoneleigh kit car show time and I still couldn't find enough time to write even a few lines on the blog.
Anyway, the show has come and gone, the computer is repaired and work continues at a fast pace.
We have a roof on the house, the windows are now stained and protected, the walls have been rendered and painted and the scaffolding was removed on Bank holiday Monday whilst we were at the show so everything is slowly getting back to normal. Very soon I will have the wall removed from the workshop and can settle everything back down to normality.
Anyway back to Gentry news, the show was again very busy with lots of interest and enquiries we are booked up till October November time and with luck I could manage to do some more to the Police car over the winter. Trouble is that as we get closer someone else places an order and work on my car gets postponed! What a terrible position to be in!
For those that don't know I had another minor op and managed to burst open my stitches within a week or two of the op and so it has taken a while longer than expected to heal. it appears that I may need yet another procedure in an attempt to solve the issues. Great, just what you need when you are self employed and work is stacking up.
I'll try to be back in a couple of weeks, but you never know!!!!
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