Friday, 13 November 2009

Friday 13th November

Hi Folks

Things are really busy here at the moment. We are starting the body tub for the next kit and trying to work around the builders as they systematically destroy our house before building it back up again!

Thanks to everyone that emailed me about Ellen' injury. She is still in pain with her arm up in a sling most of the time. It couldn't have happened at a more difficult time. Unless we make the effort to do some tidying up at the end of each day then it really does feel like we are in the middle of a building site.

We are still working on the door locks for the audible alarms required by IVA and so if anyone has any ideas by all means drop me an email as all suggestions are welcome.

We have found a local firm that can powder coat small parts at a very reasonable price and a firm in Coventry that can powder coat our chassis as well. We have also had some steering columns made to the correct length for the Gentry to save the need to add extra bits.

Need to get some sleep now so I'll sign off for a couple of weeks when hopefully we wil have a roof back on!!


Tuesday, 3 November 2009

3rd November 2009

Things often don't go according to plan!!
The immobiliser stopped the IVA from being completed and Ellen slipped and fell whilst loading the car for the final part of the test and so we missed the appointment!!!!
Car is ready and will be tested asap and the report will appear in due course.

We have received a copy of the Swedish Triumph magazine from Elwyn with a great article about 'Digby' with 3 full pages of write up and 23 photos!!! Well done Elwyn you get this years award for the most magazine coverage.
I will be loading the pages onto the computer so that I can put an extract onto the website.

I was asked by Steve form TotalKitCar magazine if I could sort out the 'imaginary' garage for him. He gave me an imaginary £10 million and a few rules on what class of vehicle I would buy. I didn't realise how difficult it could be to spend money! Ellen would claim that I have never had any problems spending it, but when it actually came to making decisions about so many classic cars out there it gave me a real headache trying to reduce the numbers of those I have said I would own if I had the money to the ones that I would actually go out and buy.
My choice will be int he next TKC magazine. If you don't get to see it once it is out I will put the choice on the Blog page in a few weeks.

Back to work, lots to do. See you all in a fortnight.
